H.C. AUXILIUM-VASANT VIHAR: The Media week in H. C Auxilium - Vasant Vihar was celebrated by the different sections of class XI in a unique way. Class XI-A commenced the week on 12th July, Saturday and showed the significance of print media and explained how it has an upper hand over other forms of media. They also put forward an energetic dance on the importance of media and presented the advantages, history and impact of print media. They ended it with a melodious song.
Rev. Fr. George Manimala the parish priest, through his untiring effort meticulously organized the celebration. In his introductory talk quoting from St. John Paul II he said, "The church must be a family of Bishops, priests, deacons, religious and laity, supporting each other and sharing with each other the individual gifts given by God". He also reminded the community that Religious Vocation is a particular way of living out one's baptismal call to holiness, trying to perfect the Lord's commandment of love.
Rev. Fr. Edward Madavassery SJ, the Provincial of South Asia was main celebrant of the Eucharist and seven priests concelebrated with him. Reflecting on the theme of the day: Religious vocation "A call to love and live" he briefly presented the life of few saintly religious persons like Mother Teresa, Francis of Assisi etc. to understand the call to religious life and highlighted the challenges before the assembly. Jubilerians shared their vocation story in brief to the gathering. The parishioners well appreciated the unique celebration undertaken by the parish priest. It was a day of gratitude to the Almighty.
Sr. Jancy Valliyil