AUXILIUM NEW CHUMTA: The Celebration began with a solemn Morning Worship. The introduction and chanting of the Psalms was animated by Srs. Nilam Kindo and Angela Kerketta. This celebration continued with the Holy Eucharist and the programmes of the students and the boarders.
In the school at 10.00 a.m. the students of Blue House honoured their patron saint with astage programme. It started with the prayer service followed by prayer dance, skit, songs and dance. The skit on Laura Vicuna enlightened the audience to love Jesus and Mary more than anything. At the end Sr. Theresa Vettuvazhiyil, the animator congratulated the Blue House and exhorted everybodyto follow the footstep of Laura Vicuna.
At 6.30 p.m. the Holy Eucharist was solemnized by Fr. Michael Cruz SFX. In his homily he highlighted the meaning of love and urged the children to be like Laura Vicuna in obedience to the parents and to the sisters and to face the reality of life with prayers and penance. Soon after Mass a short programme was staged by the boarders. The choreography and the play let inspired the audienceto givetheir total love to God through our witnessing life and to praise Him at all times. At last Fr. Michael appreciated the active presence of the sisters and congratulated the children for their good performance. He encouraged the boarders to make best use of their time and talents.