Jumaikela: The community of Vicuna Nivas joined the entire FMA world for the feast of World Gratitude Day on 26th April 2013.

The celebration flagged off with a meaningful vigil service on 25th evening. During the Morning Prayer a hymn of thanksgiving was raised to thank the Lord for the gift of La Madre, first missionaries,90 years of FMA's presence in India and the growth of the Charism into six provinces in India. Six sisters carried lamp symbolizing six pioneers and six provinces. During the thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration the Logo was carried it to the altar symbolizing the FMA world gathered around La Madre called to fullness of life.

Rev. Fr. Linus Francis Xavier Lakra SDB said,"I am privileged to celebrate this Mass for the gift of La Madre because when I was in Italy I met Mother and spoke to her." This made him feel good and happy to offer the Eucharist. In his homily Fr. Linus said, "We need great sacrifice to fulfill our duties. We must thank God because by His grace we are able to do. Our Mother has the greatest responsibility in the Institute of guiding and leading every individual sister according to the charism of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello".

The celebration continued throughout the day. The staff and students organized a short prayer moment. They thanked the Lord for the gift of Mother General and prayed for the Salesian family.