Dum Dum - The Animator's and Economers' of Kolkata province meeting at Auxilium, Dum Dum, 5th – 7th July, discussed issues related to religious formation, Poverty and Evangelization. There were 32 participants.
Addressing the 3-day gathering, Provincial Sr. Maria Pettayil, presented the parable of the wise and foolish builders to motivate the participants to choose the wise builder as their model and to make their foundation built on Jesus. Sr. Rose Ezarath, the Novice Mistress, shared with the participants few insights on formation and accompaniment. She repeated "Every community should be a formative community. Mutual accompaniment at all level is a sure means to real path of conversion".
Fr. Franklin Menezes the Director of Seva Kendra, Kolkata animated the participants on 'Poverty and Evangelization'. He explained, "Poverty itself is Evangelization." He stressed on the need to transform our lives by being authentic and witnessing people in order to evangelise others. Fr. M. C. George SDB director of Bosconet highlighted the importance of raising local fund for the cause of education of the poor children. This can be done, he said by building good relationship and keeping in touch with generous people. Advocate M. N. Roy spoke to the participants regarding the service rules and education policy of minority institutions. "We are enthused after three days of meeting, to go out as transformed FMA to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to all" said Sr. Teresa Vettuvazhyil, one of the participants.
BY Sr. Shanty Mathew