On 1st October 2013, the Provincial community day was celebrated at Auxilium Dum Dum with the theme 'quality relationship builds a home that evangelizes'. Every community had a month long preparation by thinking, speaking and acting positively to make the theme a reality.
The celebration commenced with the Evening Prayer animated by Ranchi communities. The Provincial Sr. Maria Pettayil and the participants were welcomed with rose flowers. The prayer service focused on different types of relationships.
The PowerPoint presentation on the journey lived in communities and the new initiatives in the apostolate taken up by them were inspiring and motivating. Another long expected and hilarious moment was the exhibition of the house products.
On the following day, Jumaikela community with a well animated Morning Prayer led the group to a meaningful prayer experience.
The peak moment of the day was the Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Dominic Gomes, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Kolkata. Well prepared Eucharist with melodious singing and the inspiring homily on genuine relationship made the celebration solemn and memorable.
The Fraternal agape prepared by the FMA chefs of all the communities was a pleasant surprise and a great feast to the eyes. It was a joyous occasion to felicitate Sr. Maria Pettayil and the Golden jubilarian Sr. Maria Sarkar above all to raise a hymn of praise and thanksgiving to God whose love never ends. The aspirants added joy to the festal day with action songs.
Sr. Stella Potteparambil)